Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Brighouse...Old Mill.

Well myself and Mr Beady tried to hit the Brighouse swimming pool but too many peeps about and getting watched by the coach company reet next door didn't help, Plan 'B'.....time to hit an old mill I've known about for years !
Most of this mill has now been converted but lucky some of the mill has not been touched, after bartering 3 goats and a ferret a business backing onto this site let us through his land and over the wall to our quarry wooot !

I have no info on this mill as yet (hope to update later) but we did find a nice old piece of kit!

1 comment:

  1. it may well have been my good friend steve that let you hop over his wall, was it a blacksmith/engineer? he makes my chisels for me, cracking bloke. iv always been told this was an old silk mill but not sure how accurate that is. my dads mechanic friend used to rent the ground floor as a motor workshop. he reckoned the sadly rusting hulk of iron with the flywheel and pulley was an old gas engine.
    i recently built an extension for steve in the yard i think you may have walked through, and when we were digging the soakaway (so about 10 foot down) we found an old field drain about 3 foot square running off straight under that mill, but unfortunately it was in no fit condition to enter to any depth.
